XXV St. Petersburg International Economic Forum Kicked Off

15 June 2022

XXV St. Petersburg International Economic Forum Kicked Off

The XXV St. Petersburg International Economic Forum opened today in St. Petersburg. The event’s theme this year is “New Opportunities in a New World.”

Participants from over 140 countries will debate the new economic order, development investments, economic priorities and implementation of modern technologies.

In 1996, it was on the initiative of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly and the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation that the first economic forum was organized in St. Petersburg for the first time.

The key economic summit of Russia and the CIS countries was held for the first time in 1997 at the IPA CIS headquarters – the Tavricheskiy Palace – and was made an annual event in 1998. The Forum was officially recognized as the CIS main economic forum in 2001.