Role of the CIS in Building a New World Economy Discussed at SPIEF

16 June 2022

Role of the CIS in Building a New World Economy Discussed at SPIEF

On 16 June, the panel discussion “Integration for Development: New Horizons” was held within the framework of the XXV St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council Dmitriy Kobitskiy took part in the event initiated by the CIS Executive Committee.

The session discussed the current state and prospects for the development of integration, the importance of integration associations for ensuring the economic stability in difficult geopolitical conditions, the impact of economic and social incentives on further deepening integration, the role of the CIS, the Eurasian Economic Union and the Union State in building a new post-COVID world economy, as well as key areas of cooperation between integration associations.

Chairman of the Executive Committee – CIS Executive Secretary Sergey Lebedev noted the importance of maintaining relations in the field of economy, culture, humanitarian cooperation that had been formed in our countries over the centuries.

The event was also attended by the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation at the IPA CIS Irina Sokolova.
