Belarus now chairs the CIS Forestry Council

05 August 2016

Belarus now chairs the CIS Forestry Council

The Republic of Belarus now chairs the CIS Forestry Council.

Belarusan Ministry of Forestry Mikhail Amelyanovich is elected as the Chairperson of the CIS Forestry Council.

According to the Ministry of Forestry, the presidential chair gives certain privileges to the Republic of Belarus, like for example, initiating joint events for sharing best practices and experience.

The CIS Forestry Council Session takes place on 4 – 5 August in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The participants have focused on the first stage of Action Plan 2016-2020 implementation and on the implementation of preventive measures for wild fire extinguishing in border area. The Action Plan is aimed at developing cooperation in different forestry segments up to 2025.

Special emphasis is given to the CIS experience in forestry supervision, reforestation and establishing common monitoring system for forest pests in the Eurasian Economic Union.

The next session will take place in Belarus in 2017.

The CIS Forestry Council was established in 1998 for promoting and developing forestry cooperation among the CIS countries. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan became the first members of the Council. Later Ukraine also applied for membership.