Bishkek hosted 53rd session of the Council of Heads of Statistic Services of the member nations of the CIS

12 August 2015

Bishkek hosted 53rd session of the Council of Heads of Statistic Services of the member nations of the CIS

The regular 53rd session of the Council of Heads of Statistic Services of the member nations of the CIS took place on 6 August 2015 in Bishkek. The session was attended by the heads and plenipotentiary representatives of national Statistic Services of the CIS countries, The CIS Executive Committee, the CIS Board of Statistics, and the Eurasian Economic Commission.

At the session the program of work of the CIS Board of Statistics for 2016 was adopted.

Vladimir Sokolin was elected as the Chairperson of the CIS Board of Statistics.