CIS TV and radio broadcasting company MIR celebrates its 25th anniversary

09 October 2017

CIS TV and radio broadcasting company MIR celebrates its 25th anniversary

The agreement on the establishment of the MIR broadcasting company was signed by the CIS heads of state in Bishkek on 9 October 1992. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev initiated the signing of this agreement, supported by heads of state of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Kyrghyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan. They were soon joined by the Republic of Azerbaijan and Georgia.

National branches and offices of the broadcasting company operate in 9 countries. Just for the last ten years the audience of the flagship project of the company – the MIR channel– has grown 10-fold. This key information project of the Commonwealth and Georgia unites 140 million people in 13 countries. The first Eurasian information television channel MIR 24 has the audience of more than 62 million people in 20 states. The potential audience of the MIR HD TV channel is 15 million people in 12 countries.

In the year of its 25th anniversary the MIR broadcasting company held a series of events aimed not only to expand the company’s audience, but also to strengthen cooperation between the CIS and Georgia. Thus, in April the MIR broadcasting company presented a series of exclusive interviews by MIR Chairman Radik Batyrshin with heads of CIS member nations, including Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Kazakhstan.

The action plan of the MIR broadcasting company includes further expansion of the audience and launch of new programs aimed at uniting the citizens of the CIS countries and Georgia. Besides, the company is planning to transfer MIR and MIR 24 channels to Ultra HD format.