Concept of the presidency of the Republic of Tajikistan in the CIS in 2018 presented at the meeting of the permanent representatives of the CIS member nations

21 November 2017

Concept of the presidency of the Republic of Tajikistan in the CIS in 2018 presented at the meeting of the permanent representatives of the CIS member nations

The CIS Executive Committee held a meeting of the permanent plenipotentiary representatives of the CIS member nations at the statutory bodies of the Commonwealth.

The participants discussed the results of the meeting of the Council of the CIS Heads of Government that took place on 3 November in Tashkent.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Republic of Belarus, Permanent Representative of Republic of Tajikistan at the statutory and other bodies of the Commonwealth Kozidavlat Koimdodov presented the Concept of the presidency of the Republic of Tajikistan in the CIS in 2018.

He noted that the presidency of the Republic of Tajikistan in the CIS would be based on the principle of continuity in accordance with the fundamental documents of the Commonwealth, on the basis of equality and mutual respect as well as other universally recognized principles.

According to Kozidavlat Koimdodov, the presidency of the Republic of Tajikistan will be primarily focused on the following issues:

-          Promoting cooperation across the CIS within the UN, other international and regional organizations and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals including the reduction of poverty, clean water supply and affordable green energy;

-          Strengthening relations and maintaining historically established ties between the CIS countries based on mutual respect as well as extending partnership to achieve sustainable development;

-          Enhancing the role of the CIS in addressing the issues related to the security and stability in the southern part of the Commonwealth, improving the functioning of the CIS bodies to better address security challenges;

-          Promoting cooperation to fight terrorism, extremism, neo-Nazism, drug trafficking, economic crimes as well as preventing illegal migration and human trafficking, given the central role of the UN in addressing international problems and ensuring security in the world;

-          Building military, scientific and technical cooperation including the implementation of the Concept of Military State Cooperation of the CIS Member Nations until 2020, as well as the Programs of Cooperation of the CIS Member Nations for Strengthening Security along the External Borders for 2016-2020;

-          Implementation of the priority issues of the economic cooperation in accordance with the documents adopted by the Commonwealth including development of the capacity of the Free Trade Agreement and facilitating trade and investment flows, strengthening cooperation in the areas of energy, industry, transport, and communication;

-          Intensification of cultural and humanitarian relations across the CIS countries, considering the fact that 2018 has been declared the Year of the Culture in the Commonwealth, including developing and promoting cooperation in the field of culture, science, education, youth policy, tourism, physical education, and sport.

Permanent representative of Tajikistan mentioned that one of the priorities in 2018 was the cooperation in the field of social and labor issues, and the issues of migration.

Greater efforts will be taken for the creation of an efficient system to manage migration processes, including the exchange of information on labor demands in national labor markets, as well as the unified system of registration of nationals of third states and stateless persons entering the CIS countries.

In the field of improvement of the functioning of the CIS bodies, the efforts will focus on further optimization and development of activity of the sectoral cooperation bodies.

In addition, permanent representatives of the CIS countries took note of the information provided on the activity of the CIS Council of Heads of Financial Intelligence.

Members of the Permanent Representatives Council also discussed the issues related to the inventory making of the CIS legislative background, as well as the draft Statement of the Council of the CIS Foreign Ministers on Unacceptability and Prevention of Destruction and Desecration of Monuments and Objects of Historic, Religious and Cultural Value.

According to the press office of the CIS Executive Committee, the Committee prepared and will submit in December to the Permanent Representatives Council the Plan on implementation of the resolutions based on the decisions of the Council of the CIS Heads of State, the Council of the CIS Heads of Government, the Council of the CIS Foreign Ministers and the proposals made by heads of delegations during the meetings that took place on 11 October, 2 November and 10 October respectively.

The next meeting of the Council of the Permanent Representatives of the CIS Member States at the Statutory and Other Bodies of the Commonwealth is planned to be held on 12 December in Minsk.