Executive Committee approves the document aimed at developing youth cooperation of the CIS member nations

14 July 2017

Executive Committee approves the document aimed at developing youth cooperation of the CIS member nations

On 13–14 July 2017, the CIS Executive Committee hosted a meeting of the expert group to amend and approve the draft Action Plan for 2018-2020 on the implementation of the Strategy for International Youth Cooperation of the Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States for the period until 2020.

According to the CIS Executive Committee press-service, the participants finalized the draft Action Plan by the majority and decided to send it to the Council of the CIS Foreign Ministers for approval.

The draft plan includes activities aimed at training and professional development, ensuring equal access to quality education; involving the youth in entrepreneurial activities; prevention among the CIS youth of ethnic, religious and political extremism, preventing the spread of xenophobia and intolerance among young people; increase of the level of interethnic tolerance and development of intercultural dialogue, expansion of interaction of young representatives of ethnic diasporas of the CIS countries; support of socially vulnerable part of youth, including disabled people, orphans, children from large and dysfunctional families, refugees and internally displaced persons; creation of a common information space in the field of international youth cooperation and support for the creation of networked communities; organization of professional youth exchanges.

The document also contains mechanism for monitoring its implementation.