Fourth Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia finished its work

30 June 2017

Fourth Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia finished its work

The Forum took place in the Central Exhibition Complex “Expocenter” under the auspices of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.

The substantial part of the Forum featured the plenary session “Main directions of the integration development of the regions of Russia and Belarus in the sphere of high technologies, innovation and the information society”, meeting of the Interparliamentary Commission on Interregional Cooperation, as well as a number of section meetings with the participation of relevant ministries, administration and businesses.

Representative of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat, Deputy Head of the Department of Model Lawmaking Support in the Social and Humanitarian Sphere Alexander Surygin took part in the work of the section “Issues and Prospects for Harmonization of Legislation in the Context of Integration Development of Belarus and Russia” with the report “Contribution of the IPA CIS to the development and harmonization in the field of interregional and cross-border cooperation”.

Director of the National Center for Legislation and Legal Studies of the Republic of Belarus Vadim Ipatov gave a positive assessment to the model Innovative Code for the CIS member nations as a document to be used in building the legislative framework of the Union State in this field.