II Eurasian Women’s Forum will take place on 19–21 September 2018 in Tavricheskiy Palace

13 September 2018

II Eurasian Women’s Forum will take place on 19–21 September 2018 in Tavricheskiy Palace

On the starting day, 19 September, the participants of the Forum will have a busy business program. The main events of this day will take place in the Parliamentary Center, еThe Universe of Water museum and St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University.

The participants of the Forum will be able to attend open discussions: Women’s Entrepreneurship Programmes and Development Institutions, Women in the Development of Entrepreneurship, Women in E-Commerce, For the Health of Women of All Ages: A Golden Era for the Silver Generation, Dialogue with Leaders of Russian Franchising, Women for Effective Nutrition to Maintain Children’s Health: Russian and International Experience.

The starting day will also feature an extended meeting of the Women’s Board of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Women for Sustainable Industrial Development: Green Industrialization for the Good of Future Generations, an extended meeting of the Committee of Rural Women of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Women in the Development of Rural Areas, project presentations and workshops will be held on the starting day. Opera and ballet gala concert will take place in Mariinsky II.

The plenary session Women for the Sustainable Development of the Global World, chaired by Chairperson of the IPA CIS Council, Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko, will take place in Dumsky Hall, Tavrichesky Palace, on 20 September 2018.

The following strategic sessions will work on the first day of the Forum: Women for Social Progress, Women for Balanced Economic Growth, Women for the Development of a Global Health Strategy, Women for the Energy of the Future, Financial Literacy: International Experience and Best Practices, The role of women scientists in the global challenges of our Time, Motherhood and Employment: Supporting Mothers in the Workforce, Women and Technology in the Fourth Industrial Revolution of Asia-Pacific Region Economies, Women Tackling Climate Change, Women in Culture: Traditions and Innovations, The Global Museum. A Meeting of the Poles of World Culture: St. Petersburg–Paris.

On 20 September, within the framework of the forum, international experts will discuss the role of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in boosting growth of women’s entrepreneurship around the globe.

St. Petersburg meeting – Women 20 (W20) will take place in the Tavrichesky Palace on 20 September. W20 was established in May 2015 as a tool of interaction between the G20 and social partners.

On 21 September, the Forum participants will           take part in a business breakfast and the tea ceremony "Russia-Japan: Dialogue of Cultures", as well as in the "Day without a Shot on the Earth" initiative, dedicated to the International Peace Day.

The agenda of the final day of the Forum includes the debates: Global Initiatives in Women’s Interests, Women and Charity without Borders: International Cooperation, The Positive Energy of Young People, An Active Long Life: Modern Technologies and Women’s Initiatives, Female Entrepreneurs for the Broadening of Cooperation and Socioeconomic Interaction, The Role of the Media in Shaping the Modern Image of Women’s Leadership: Information for Peace and Sustainable Development, Female Volunteers: Partnership for Growth, The Age of Digitalization: Equality of Opportunities, Second BRICS public-private dialogue Women and the Economy, international session Women’s Cooperation in International Trade, expert debate Women in the Development of the Creative Industries, foresight session A Time of Change: New Opportunities for Women, as well as Russia – Africa, Russia-Germany, Russia-Kazakhstan, Russia-China business dialogues, the presentation of the BRICS Women's Business Alliance, international debate club Female Governors: Strategy for Regional Performance and Growth, Female Diplomats’ Summit, Public Recognition award ceremony and the closing plenary session.