Republic of Kazakhstan opened the CIS Youth Forum

12 September 2018

Republic of Kazakhstan opened the CIS Youth Forum

The CIS Youth Forum took place in Almaty. The event was organized by the Ministry of Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Foundation for Social and Sustainable Development of the Youth.

The main goal of the Forum is to build a platform for discussion and promote intercultural dialogue between youth leaders of the CIS, which will contribute to the development of an effective cooperation of national youth-led organizations and CIS associations.

The Forum will bring young people from across the CIS, experts in the field of youth policy and tourism, academia, representatives of state authorities, international organizations and volunteer movements.

The first day of the Forum will be dedicated to the development of interaction between the youth of Kazakhstan and Russia. Among the activities is the signing of cooperation memorandums among youth-led organizations and presentations of best projects.

On the second day, there will be a plenary session, panel discussions and addresses by eminent experts. The meeting will discuss support of modern tourism, volunteer movement, youth-led businesses, and information technologies.

The third day will feature the cultural program of the Forum.