Meeting of the CIS Council of Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives took place in Minsk

29 January 2019

Meeting of the CIS Council of Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives took place in Minsk

A regular meeting of the CIS Council of Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives at the Statutory and other CIS Bodies, chaired by Turkmenistan, took place in the CIS Executive Committee in Minsk.

An inaugural opening of the exhibition, dedicated to the beginning of Turkmenistan Chairmanship in the CIS in 2019, took place before the meeting. Chairman of the CIS Council of Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Belarus Nazarkuly Shakulyev and Chairman of the CIS Executive Committee Sergei Lebedev addressed the participants at the ceremony.

The members of the Council discussed and adopted an extensive Action Plan for 2019, developed in line with the priority tasks of the CIS development, and elaborated the draft agenda of the meeting of the Council of the CIS Foreign Ministers scheduled for 5 April 2019. The Council also agreed on nominating First Deputy Chairman of the CIS Executive Committee Viktor Guminsky as the Head of the CIS Observer Mission at the parliamentary elections in the Republic of Moldova to take place on 24 February 2019.

The next regular meeting of the CIS Council of Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives is scheduled for 19 February 2019.