Outcomes of the first half of Tajikistan's chairmanship in the CIS

20 July 2018

Outcomes of the first half of Tajikistan's chairmanship in the CIS

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Republic of Belarus, Permanent Representative of Republic of Tajikistan Makhmadsharif Khakdod summed up the results of the first half-year of the chairmanship of the Republic of Tajikistan in the CIS at the meeting of the Council of Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives of the CIS Member Nations at the Statutory and Other Bodies of the Commonwealth in Minsk.

Tajikistan developed the Concept for its chairmanship at the CIS and a plan for implementing it, publicly presented by President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon at the summit in Sochi.

According to President Rahmon, the Republic of Tajikistan sponsored a draft resolution for the United Nations General Assembly on cooperation between the CIS and the UN.

There is importance attached to the implementation of the 2020 CIS Intergovernmental Program of Innovative Cooperation and to the assistance in the implementation of the intergovernmental trust program Reclamation of Territories Exposed to Uranium Mining Production Facilities.

With the active participation of all countries of the Commonwealth, a number of important documents have been prepared, such as the CIS Concept of Cooperation on Innovative Energy Development and Development of Advanced Energy Technologies and the Plan of Priority Actions for its Implementation, the Agreements on Building and Development of the IP Market, on the cooperation in the field of managing waste electronic and electrical equipment, distribution of documents on intergovernmental standardization, the Decision on the Procedure for the Development and Financing of Intergovernmental Innovative projects and activities within the framework of the Intergovernmental Program of Innovative Cooperation.

The planned implementation activities covered the relevant trust intergovernmental programs to combat crime, terrorism and other violent forms of extremism, human trafficking, illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, drug addiction, as well as information technologies crime.

A number of important documents in the field of security have been finalized. They include the drafts of the Intergovernmental Program of Joint Efforts to Combat Crime for 2019-2023 and the CIS Cooperation Agreement on Combating Cyber Crimes.

A number of joint projects in the field of science, education, youth policy, health, sports and tourism within the framework of the CIS Year of Culture have been implemented.

The implementation of the of the Priority Actions Plan in Humanitarian Cooperation Sphere for 2017-2018 and the development of the plan for 2019-2020, as well as the implementation of international youth cooperation strategies and development of cooperation in the field of tourism are on track.