Plan of actions to implement the Concept of Aligned Social and Demographic Policies of the CIS Countries discussed in Minsk

15 February 2018

Plan of actions to implement the Concept of Aligned Social and Demographic Policies of the CIS Countries discussed in Minsk

The CIS Executive Committee discussed the draft Action Plan on the Implementation of the Concept of Aligned Social and Demographic Policies of the CIS Countries in Minsk.

The Concept was developed to create a comprehensive mechanism for protecting the social rights of the CIS combining economic, political, legal, administrative tools and helping minimize human rights violations. In 2011 the CIS Council of Heads of Government approved the Concept. At the same time, the CIS Advisory Board on Labor, Migration and Social Protection of the Population was mandated to develop a draft plan of actions for its implementation.

The draft plan consists of eight sections that provide for the activities in the field of social labor, social protection of the population, health care, demography, ecology, migration, and the building of a favorable socio-cultural environment. The document also establishes commitments to improve the legal framework of cooperation in the social and demographic policies and the development of national laws in line with the provisions of the Concept regulating social and demographic policy issues, hosting ofscientific and practical conferences, consultations and meetings.

The secretary of the IPA CIS PC on Social Policy and Human Rights Evgenia Vladimirova taking part in the work of the Expert Group will present the initiative of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat on the inclusion in the draft plan of the Model Labor Code, the Model Law on Refugees and other documents.