Regular meeting of the CIS Council of Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives took place in Minsk

22 May 2018

Regular meeting of the CIS Council of Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives took place in Minsk

The meeting was attended by First Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee – CIS Executive Secretary Viktor Guminskiy. Representative of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat at the CIS Executive Committee Yuriy Andreev took part in the event on behalf of the IPA CIS.

The Council considered three issues on the agenda: the implementation of the decision of the CIS Council of Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives of 18 April 2017 “On Raising the Effeciency of Information Support for the CIS Activities. On the Work of the Websites of the CIS Bodies”. Deputy Head of the Analytical Division of the Information and Analytical Department of the CIS Executive Committee Anatoly Chebotarev delivered a report on this issue.

While considering the second issue on the agenda, the participants got acquainted with the proposals to draft agendas for regular meetings of the Council of the CIS Foreign Ministers and the Council of CIS Heads of State, to be held in Dushanbe on 27–28 September 2018. The meeting of the Council of the CIS Foreign Ministers will take action on 12 issues and the Council of the CIS Heads of State will debate 15 agenda items. The IPA CIS will introduce the issue “On the Draft CIS Convention on Cooperation in the Field of Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space”.