The XV meeting of the CIS Board of Heads of Security Bodies and Intelligence Services of the CIS Member Nations on Intelligence Activities was held in the Tavricheskiy Palace

22 May 2018

The XV meeting of the CIS Board of Heads of Security Bodies and Intelligence Services of the CIS Member Nations on Intelligence Activities was held in the Tavricheskiy Palace

The XV meeting of the CIS Board of Heads of Security Bodies and Intelligence Services took place at the IPA CIS HQ. The heads of security bodies and intelligence services of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrghyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan took part in the meeting.

The opening of the plenary session of the Meeting was attended by Chairman of the Executive Committee – CIS Executive Secretary Sergey Lebedev.

Welcome address of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin was delivered by the Chair of the Meeting, Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service Sergey Naryshkin.

In the memorandum on the results of the meeting, the parties expressed their willingness to increase coordinated efforts to combat international terrorism and religious extremism, and extend the exchange of intelligence information, modalities and directions of cooperation between national intelligence services in order to effectively prevent internal and external threats against the vital interests of the co-operating countries.