Regular meeting of the CIS Plenipotentiary Council in Minsk

18 October 2016

Regular meeting of the CIS Plenipotentiary Council in Minsk

The Council hosted its regular session in Minsk, the capital of Belarus.

Plenipotentiary Representative of the Russian Federation Andrey Shvedov introduced the Concept of Russian Chairmanship of the Commonwealth in 2017 during the meeting.

He noted that Russia's focus area for its role in 2017 will be strengthening and promoting the Commonwealth. Priorities include strengthening capacity and credibility of the Commonwealth in the global arena and enhance its involvement in regional affairs to address specific cooperation issues across the CIS to support civic progress.

The presented Concept paper defines goals and top objectives of the Russian Chairmanship in the fields of foreign political relations, driving institutional progress of the CIS, protecting family, motherhood and children, economic cooperation, agricultural growth and food security, as well as transport, energy, cross-regional cooperation, labour and migration, improving efforts to combat terrorism, extremism and transnational crime, illegal drug trafficking, natural disaster relief, healthcare, cooperation in technical research and cultural domains.

Plenipotentiaries also discussed the activities of the CIS Industrial Security Council established in 2011 to ensure safety of life and health of workers at hazardous industrial facilities and protecting populations and the environment against man-made disasters.

Chief of Department for Work Safety at Industrial Sites of the EMERCOM of Belarus Alexander Kudryashov briefed the meeting on the current activity of the Council and its focuses.

The plenipotentiaries assessed progress in implementing the Action Plan on the 25th CIS Anniversary, highlighting key events such as the CIS 25th Anniversary Statement, conferences and outreach activities.

Also, the meeting approved the Draft Action Plan to Implement the Decision on the Adaptation of the Commonwealth to Current Realities adopted at the Summit in Bishkek in September 2016.

It was so decided to host the next regular meeting on 15 November 2016.