Regular meeting of the Council of the CIS Heads of Government took place in Tashkent

03 November 2017

Regular meeting of the Council of the CIS Heads of Government took place in Tashkent

The participants included Prime Ministers of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan. The Azerbaijan Republic and Turkmenistan were represented by the Deputy Prime Ministers, and the Republic of Moldova – by the plenipotentiary representative at the statutory and other CIS bodies.

According to the CIS Executive Committee press-service, the meeting adopted a Statement on Consolidation of the World Community Efforts for Effective Counteraction against International Cartels. The Russian Federation as a presiding state will disseminate the text of the document to the UN and other international organizations.

The Council, having considered the information on the implementation of the provisions of the Agreement on the Creation of a Free-Trade Area of 18 October 2011, noted that the mechanisms of commercial disputes resolution, identified in the Agreement, were the most efficient mutually beneficial tool for the resolution of disputes between the parties on the implementation of their obligations under the Agreement.

The participants signed an Agreement on the Exchange of Information Needed for Defining and Regulation of Customs Value of Goods in the CIS, Protocol on Amending the Agreement on the CIS Rules for Country of Origin Identification of 20 November 2009, Protocol on Amending the Agreement on Harmonization of Requirements for Enhanced Training and Technical Expertise of the CIS International Road Transport Providers of 24 November 2006, the CIS Agreement on Information Exchange in the Field of Combating Terrorism and other Violent Manifestations of Extremism and their Financing.

The Council of the CIS Heads of Government appointed major general Sergei Dudko (Republic of Belarus) as Deputy Head of the CIS Anti-Terrorism Center.

The heads of government adopted the Concept of Cooperation of the CIS Member Nations in the Sphere of Land Reclamation the Plan of Urgent Measures for its Implementation, as well as the Concept of Cooperation of the CIS Member Nations in the Sphere of Oil and Gas Mechanical Engineering and the Plan of Urgent Measures for its Implementation.