Substantial part of the program of the Second Eurasian Women’s Forum is published

25 June 2018

Substantial part of the program of the Second Eurasian Women’s Forum is published

The substantial part of the program of the Forum is now available on the official website of the Second Eurasian Women’s Forum, to be held in the Northern Capital on 20–21 September 2018. The main events will be held in the venue of the Tavricheskiy Palace. The organizers of the Forum, to be held with the support of the Roskongress Foundation, are the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The plenary session “Women for Global Security and Sustainable Development”, chaired by Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko will be a central event of the Forum. The program of the Second Eurasian Women’s Forum features more than 40 events, including business sessions, panel discussions, business dialogues, thematic business breakfasts, expert and strategic sessions.

Discussions within the framework of the substantial program will take place in three directions:

-        Women for Global Security and Sustainable Development;

-        Promoting a Female Agenda: International Cooperation;

-        Global Initiatives in Women’s Interests and New Opportunities.

The program of the Forum meets the modern international and federal agenda and covers a wide range of political, humanitarian and economic topics. The feature of the Forum is a rich economic part of its program. Such large international organizations as UNESCO, UNIDO and the World Bank were actively participating in its elaboration.