Tashkent hosts the first regional seminar on the integration of international humanitarian law

15 May 2019

Tashkent hosts the first regional seminar on the integration of international humanitarian law

The first regional seminar on the integration of international humanitarian law is held on 13-16 May in Tashkent (Republic of Uzbekistan). The seminar is aimed at solving the dialogue problems between the International Committee of the Red Cross and the armed forces and for searching for international legal mechanisms for the protection of non-combatants in time of war.

The meeting brought together representatives of the Ministries of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrghyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan, and international organizations: the Regional Representation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Central Asia, the ICRC Regional Delegation in the Russian Federation, Belarus and Moldova, the CSTO Joint Staff and Secretariat, the IPA CIS Council Secretariat.

The business games “Integration of international humanitarian law into the governing documents of the armed forces” and “Command responsibility” are held in context of the discussing the problems of contemporary armed conflicts and challenges to international humanitarian law, as well as issues of command responsibility.