Members of the Public Chamber of St. Petersburg discussed issues of social and labor adaptation of migrants

14 May 2019

Members of the Public Chamber of St. Petersburg discussed issues of social and labor adaptation of migrants

Extended meeting of the Commission for the Harmonization of Interethnic and Interreligious Relations of the Public Chamber of St. Petersburg dedicated to the topic of social and labor adaptation of migrants in St. Petersburg took place in the IPA CIS HQ.

The meeting brought together members of the Public Chamber of St. Petersburg, the leadership of the committees of the Government of St. Petersburg on labor and employment, inter-ethnic relations and the implementation of migration policy and social policy of St. Petersburg, as well as staff members of the city administration, members of religious organizations, representatives Kyrghyz, Tajik and Uzbek diasporas in St. Petersburg. The IPA CIS Council Secretariat was represented at the meeting by Deputy Head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat Sergey Kurdin and Secretary of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Social Policy and Human Rights Evgenia Vladimirova.

The meeting participants discussed various aspects of migrants' social and labor adaptation including taxation, insurance, and medical support.