The Commonwealth experts discussed the draft CIS Agreement on Cooperation of the Government Employment Services

29 June 2018

The Commonwealth experts discussed the draft CIS Agreement on Cooperation of the Government Employment Services

The Commonwealth experts discussed the draft CIS Agreement on Cooperation of the Government Employment Services

The CIS Executive Committee hosted a meeting of the working group of experts on the draft CIS Agreement on Cooperation of the Government Employment Services. The meeting was held in accordance with the decision of the CIS Advisory Board on Labor, Migration and Welfare.

The draft CIS Concept of Phased Formation of a Common Labor Market and Regulation of Labor Migration and Priority Activities on Formation of a Common Labor Market and Regulation of Labor Migration for 2017-2020 is developed in accordance with the decision of the CIS Economic Council.

The meeting brought together representatives of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, the CIS Executive Committee staff and representative of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat Yury Andreev.

Agenda included: Drafting of the Agreement on Cooperation of the Government Employment Services and Drafting of the CIS General Principles of Cooperation in Providing Employment Opportunities for Individual Population Groups: Youth, Women, etc..

During the discussion of the CIS Concept of Phased Formation of a Common Labor Market and Regulation of Labor Migration, the importance of a phased approximation of the laws and regulations of the CIS in the social and labor sphere was noted. At the first stage, the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly was invited to continue model law-making in this sphere.

The next meeting of the working group will be held in the second half of August 2018.