Valentina Matvienko: "Women of business must contribute to drafting the Strategy of Actions for Women"

26 April 2016

Valentina Matvienko:

During a meeting at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the Russian Federation, Chairperson of the IPA CIS Council, Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly Valentina Matvienko called for an active involvement of women entrepreneurs in the drafting process of the Strategy of Actions for Women.

"Our current meeting is a follow-up on the activities started back in 2015 at the Eurasian Women's Forum in St. Petersburg. The Forum aimed at joining efforts of enthusiastic and successful women for the sustainable development of the country and ensure well-being for people. We very much hope that you will submit your ideas to the Strategy Drafting Group", said IPA CIS Chairperson.

Valentina Matvienko focused on the issues of supporting the economic activity of women and the balance of their family functions and professional roles. Parliamentarians are willing to facilitate legal safeguards for women entrepreneurs increasing the number of successful firms.

Valentina Matvienko added that, according to ILO, the women's stake in economic activity has become a locomotive of global economic growth.

Vice-Speaker Galina Karelova stressed the need to further build on the results of the EWF, conceived as a permanent platform for the exchange on the current issues of modern societies. She welcomed that its creators are keeping to their commitments