Winners of the intergovernmental award “Stars of the Commonwealth” 2017 selected

11 June 2018

Winners of the intergovernmental award “Stars of the Commonwealth” 2017 selected

The CIS Advisory Board on Humanitarian Cooperation and the CIS Humanitarian Action Trust Fund defined the winners of the intergovernmental award “Stars of the Commonwealth” 2017. The winners are philologist Nargiz Pashayeva (Azerbaijan Republic), composer Stepan Shakaryan (Republic of Armenia), biathlete Daria Domracheva (Republic of Belarus), violinist Ayman Musakhadzayeva (Republic of Kazakhstan), literary scholar Abdyldazan Akmataliyev (Kyrgyz Republic), physicist Ion Bostan (Republic of Moldova), conductor Yury Bashmet (Russian Federation) and poet Nizom Kosim (Republic of Tajikistan).