XXIV international soccer tournament Commonwealth Cup kicks off in St. Petersburg

17 January 2016

XXIV international soccer tournament Commonwealth Cup kicks off in St. Petersburg

The first 4 games took place on 17 January with the following scores: Belarus – Kyrgyzstan 0-1; Kazakhstan-Moldova 0-1; Latvia-Estonia 1-2; Russia-Tajikistan 2-1.

The Commonwealth Cup was conceived as the Champions Cup of the CIS and the Baltic States and a competition among soccer clubs from former Soviet republics.

In June 1992, the Executive Committee of the CIS Association of Soccer Federations decided to organize the 1st Commonwealth Cup.

The first match was held in January 1993. The games have been held annually since then.

The international football tournament Commonwealth Cup contributes to the CIS sports cooperation and promotes friendship, understanding and mutual respect pursued by the countries for centuries.

The tournament is organized with the support of the IPA CIS.