The third expert session on the discussion of the Model Law on Medical Supplies in the CIS Member Nations

30 May 2024
| Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan

In accordance with the IPA CIS Work Plan for 2024, the IPA CIS Council Secretariat together with the international organization Eurasian Cooperation on Clinical Guidelines and Development of National Health with the support of the CIS Executive Committee and the World Health Organization continues to hold a cycle of special public sessions in the CIS Member Nations to present the opinion of the national expert community on the most important aspects of medical supplies and to discuss the Model Law on Medical Supplies in the CIS Member Nations.

The key approach laid down in the draft Model Law on the development of the medical supply system in the Commonwealth countries is based on the implementation of the principles of proven safety and effectiveness. One of the main objectives of the development of this Model Law is to create a favorable socio-economic environment for maintaining the health of citizens of the CIS Member Nations.

The third international expert session on the topic: “Effectiveness and accessibility of medicines: from technology and evidence base to the patient” will be held on 30 May 2024 in Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Within the framework of this international conference, in addition to considering the issues of medical supply in relation to rare diseases, there will be discussed the relevance of the development of model methodological recommendations, which form the basis for the creation and development of national evidence bases in the healthcare of the CIS Member Nations.

In accordance with the decision of the IPA CIS Expert Advisory Board on Public Health, the preparation of model methodological recommendations on:

- assessment and management of the quality of medical care;

- assessment of health management technologies;

- evaluation of health technologies;

- conducting preclinical studies;

- conducting clinical trials;

- system analysis and clinical recommendations;

- methodologies for developing patient registries.

Due to the special socio-economic importance of this model law, it is expected that the special sessions will be attended by representatives of the parliaments of the CIS Member Nations, the IPA CIS Expert Advisory Board on Public Health, sectoral international organizations and academia. Specialists from relevant ministries and departments of the CIS Member Nations, national academies of sciences, international organizations, medical organizations, insurance and pharmaceutical companies, patient communities and professional non-profit organizations will be invited as experts.

The first session to discuss the Model Law was held on 30 June 2023 in Minsk, Republic of Belarus. During this event, an expert analysis of the national legislation of the CIS Member Nations was carried out. The second expert session with the participation of representatives of the World Health Organization was held on 14 November 2023 in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic. Within the framework of this public conference there was a discussion of the issues of value-based healthcare, including the definition of the patient as a subject of law and the definition of the functionality of the participants of the medical supply system in the interests of the patient. One of the key topics of the expert discussion was ensuring access to medicines for citizens of the CIS Member Nations in accordance with clinical protocols and recommendations recognized in the world evidence-based medicine.