Constitutional Reform in Uzbekistan

29 April 2023

Constitutional Reform in Uzbekistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan is getting ready for holding referendum on amendments to the Constitution.

Head of the CEC of the Republic of Uzbekistan Zainiddin Nizamkhodzhayev said that 611,000 citizens voted early and 160,000 of them – abroad. He also informed that 14 constituencies and 10,754 polling stations were created in the Republic. The district commissions employ 266 people, 85% of them have significant work experience, 15% are young people, personnel reserve of administrative bodies. More than 117 thousand people are employed in the work of polling stations.

Zainiddin Nizamkhodzhayevnoted the role of international observers in the electoral campaign, stressing that their recommendations make it possible to improve ¨”both legislation and practice.”

Chairperson of the Committee on International Affairs and Inter-Parliamentary Ties of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Dilorom Fayziyeva said that the commission received more than 200,000 proposals from citizens and public organizations. “A significant part concerned the strengthening of the role of the Oliy Majlis and its controlling functions. That’s very good that citizens see the parliament as an actor that has a great influence on state policy,” said Dilorom Fayziyeva.

Parliamentarians of Uzbekistan noted the important changes to the Constitution, such as: protection of the people’s rights, social support, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of education and medical workers, freedom of business activity and promotion of investments to the country’s economy.