Uzbekistan Held Referendum on Constitutional Reform

01 May 2023

Uzbekistan Held Referendum on Constitutional Reform

The referendum on the draft Constitutional Law on the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held.  The IPA CIS Observer Mission monitored voting in the Republic and at foreign stations.

“The mission of observers concludes that the referendum was held at the high organizational level, in free and open atmosphere and in accordance with current legislation,” said Head of the Mission Sergey Lebedev.

10,754 polling stations were opened for the referendum. About 20 million citizens with the right to vote took part in the voting, almost 308 thousand of them – abroad. More than 611,000 people voted early.

As a result, the number of articles in the country’s Constitution will increase from the current 128 to 155. The number of provisions on human rights and freedoms will increase three and half times, the powers of the Legislative Chamber and the Senate will expand, the functions of the parliament for appointing leaders of law enforcement and supervisory bodies will be strengthened, some powers of the president will be transferred to lawmakers.