IPA CIS Observers Held Meeting With Leadership of Prosecutor’s Office of Kyrgyz Republic

27 November 2021

IPA CIS Observers Held Meeting With Leadership of Prosecutor’s Office of Kyrgyz Republic

The IPA CIS observers, headed by Chair of the Committee of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Defense and Security Issues Kutbidin Burkhanov, met with the leadership of the Prosecutor’s office of the Kyrgyz Republic. Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council Dmitriy Kobitskiy also took part in the meeting. Deputy Prosecutor General of the Kyrgyz Republic Kuban Adyl and the members of the Prosecutor’s office staff attended the meeting on the part of the Prosecutor’s office.

Kuban Adyl noted that the current electoral campaign was not accompanied by serious violations. He also said that an operational headquarters was created to address issues of compliance with electoral legislation and respect for the rights of citizens.

In general, the meeting confirmed the high level of organization of electoral process and the absence of significant legislation violations.