IPA CIS Observers Started Short-Term Monitoring at Kyrgyz Parliamentary Elections

26 November 2021

IPA CIS Observers Started Short-Term Monitoring at Kyrgyz Parliamentary Elections

On 26 November 2021, the IPA CIS observers, headed by Chair of the Committee of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Defense and Security Issues Kutbidin Burkhanov, began short-term monitoring of the elections to the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic. As part of the monitoring, they held meetings with the leadership and representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party of Kyrgyzstan Bagyt, Ishenim Political Party, Yntymak Political Party, Ata-Meken Socialist Party and Ata-Zhurt Kyrgyzstan Party.

During the meetings, the parties discussed the issues of electoral legislation reform, the activities of the election administration bodies and the public authorities of the Kyrgyz Republic in the preparation of the current campaign.