IPA CIS Observers Visited CEC of Republic of Armenia

19 June 2021

IPA CIS Observers Visited CEC of Republic of Armenia

On 19 June 2021, the IPA CIS observers, led by Observer Team Coordinator, Chair of the Standing Commission of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus on Industry, Fuel-Energy Complex, Transport and Communications Igor Komarovsky, visited the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Armenia and met with its Chair Tigran Mukuchyan.

Tigran Mukuchyan informed the observers about the activities of the Commission during the pre-election period. Observers got acquainted with the information on the principles of forming election administration bodies, candidate lists, campaigning procedures, electronic voter register, the number and equipment of polling stations in various regions of the country and other aspects of the current election campaign.

In turn, Igor Komarovsky told the CEC Chair about the results of the long-term monitoring of the current election campaign and gave him a copy of the long-term monitoring report.

The parties agreed that the election campaign was being held in a competitive manner and was not beset by disputes or scandals.