Meeting With IPA CIS Observers Took Place in Mazhilis of Parliament of Kazakhstan

09 January 2021

Meeting With IPA CIS Observers Took Place in Mazhilis of Parliament of Kazakhstan

IPA CIS Observer Team Coordinator, Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Agriculture and Food Policy and Environmental Management Alexei Mayorov and Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council Dmitriy Kobitskiy discussed the course of the election campaign with Chairman of the Committee of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Security Muhtar Erman. CSTO PA Observer Team Coordinator, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots Umakhan Umakhanov also took part in the meeting.

Muhtar Erman informed participants about the peculiarities of the electoral legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and preparations for the upcoming elections. He also noted the importance of international observers’ participation in this elections.

IPA CIS Observer Team Coordinator, Chair of the Federation Council Committee on Agriculture and Food Policy and Environmental Management Alexei Mayorov assessed the level of preparation for the upcoming elections and noted that all the necessary conditions were created for the observers’ work.

The meeting participants also stressed the importance of cooperation within the framework of international organizations for deepening interaction in all fields.