Role of Youth in Electoral Process Discussed in Tavricheskiy Palace

06 October 2022

Role of Youth in Electoral Process Discussed in Tavricheskiy Palace

On 6 October 2022, a roundtable “Youth Choice” took place within the framework of the international research and practice conference “CIS Convention on the Standards of Democratic Elections: Open Space for International Cooperation”. The roundtable discussed the participation of young and future voters, observers and MPs in electoral process.

Executive Director of the Russian Foundation for Free Elections Maxim Leskov and Director of the non-profit partnership Information and Analytical Center “Eurasia-Volga Region” Marina Lapenko moderated the roundtable.

During the event, presentations were made by Chair of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Belarus Igor Karpenko, Chair of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Science and Higher Education, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Sergey Kabyshev, Head of the Russian Center for Training in Election Technologies under the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Elena Osipova and other representatives of public authorities and academic community.

The roundtable ended with questions to the speakers and a short discussion during which the participants discussed the issues raised during the reports and exchanged views on the participation of youth in electoral and political processes, education and training measures in the field of electoral law.