Askhat Nuskabaj visited the Novgorod region as part of the long-term monitoring of the presidential elections in the Russian Federation

20 February 2018

Askhat Nuskabaj visited the Novgorod region as part of the long-term monitoring of the presidential elections in the Russian Federation

The IPA CIS observers continue their long-term monitoring mission at the presidential elections in the Russian Federation.

Deputy Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council, Plenipotentiary Representative of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askhat Nuskabaj visited the Novgorod region and met with Chair of the Election Commission of the Novgorod region Tatiana Lebedeva, First Deputy Governor of the Novgorod region – Head of the Governor’s Office of the Novgorod region Segrey Sorokin, as well as the representatives of the Civic Chamber of the Novgorod region.

The observer of the IPA CIS visited campaign offices of the two presidential candidates Vladimir Putin and Vladimir Zhirinovsky where he was told about the ongoing work and participation of the candidates’ representatives in the Election Commissions.

Based on the information received, Askhat Nuskabaj concluded that the preparation for the elections was carried out at a high level in accordance with the plan approved by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.