Elections in Azerbaijan. Oleg Lebedev and Alexey Segeev met with the press

08 October 2013

Elections in Azerbaijan. Oleg Lebedev and Alexey Segeev met with the press

The press stakeout took place immediately after the meeting with the CEC Chairman Mazahir Panahov.

The Chairman of the State Douma Committee on CIS Affairs and Eurasian Integration Oleg Lebedev said that all findings have been transmitted to the national CEC. He also said that 30 international observers will be monitoring elections on polling stations in Baku and Sumgait.

Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council Sergey Alexeev noted that the IPA CIS observation mission was made up of effective MPs from across the CIS, a fact that made the mission a unique experience.

Today is the “day of silence” in Azerbaijan. Campaign talk is over. A day of silence is needed to cool down and weigh one’s choices before going to the polling stations the next morning.