Leader of the Umid Party shared his views on pre-election environment in Azerbaijan

08 October 2013

Leader of the Umid Party shared his views on pre-election environment in Azerbaijan

Milli Mejlis MP Igbal Agazade met with IPA CIS observers – Moldovan MPs Petr Vlakh and Alexander Stoyanoglo, Sergey Grinevetskiy, member, Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security and Defense, Ukrainian MP Svetlana Fabrikant, and IIMDD IPA CIS expert Stanislav Tkachenko.

Igbal Agabazade expressed doubts in the CEC’s ability to organize elections without violations of the election law. According to him, such things as repeat voting and vote counting fraud can be prevented only at a quarter of polling stations.

He told the observers that his party has not come into alliance with any of the opposition factions as they had different electorate and because of the other factions’ presence in the executive and legislative authorities.

Also, he firmly believed that in the future candidates should have more time for voter outreach on TV and radio. Air time for campaigning is provided by the Government free of charge.