IIMDD IPA CIS experts met with the presidential candidate Boris Titov

06 March 2018

IIMDD IPA CIS experts met with the presidential candidate Boris Titov

On behalf of the international observers from the IPA CIS the IIMDD IPA CIS experts attended the meeting of the presidential candidate Boris Titov with the electorate of St. Petersburg.

Acting President of the St. Petersburg Regional Branch of the Russian National Business Association “Delovaya Rossiya" (Business Russia) Dmitry Panov and Ombudsman for Entrepreneurs’ Rights in St. Petersburg Aleksandr Abrosimov attended the meeting.

Boris Titov spoke about the progress of his electoral campaign, country visits and meetings with the electorate in other regions and answered questions on the key issues of his electoral program.

Boris Titov stressed that the electoral campaignwas going smooth and without violations. He answered voters' questions on affordable housing policies and the roadmap of his political party after the presidential elections. The participants of the meeting watched the film featuring the key items of his program.