Illas Umakhanov: “People of Kazakhstan have become the winner in the snap presidential elections”

10 June 2019

Illas Umakhanov: “People of Kazakhstan have become the winner in the snap presidential elections”

IPA CIS Observers visited the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Deputy Chair of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sergey Gromov met the delegation of IPA CIS international observers, headed by the Coordinator of the IPA CIS Observers Group, Vice-Speaker of the FCFA Ilyas Umakhanov.

Sergey Gromov thanked the IPA CIS international observers for the coordinated work at the snap elections of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and noted that their principled position had been to hold open and fair elections.

Ilyas Umakhanov expressed his gratitude for the creation of good conditions for the work of observers. Speaking about the results of the elections, he stressed that in the snap elections of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan the winner was the people of Kazakhstan. The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev has created an effective mechanism that allowed looking confidently into the future".