IPA CIS International Observer Mission published conclusions on the parliamentary election in the Republic of Moldova

11 March 2019

IPA CIS International Observer Mission published conclusions on the parliamentary election in the Republic of Moldova

The IPA CIS International Observer Team prepared the conclusions on the parliamentary election in the Republic of Moldova, which took place on 24 February 2019. MPs and representatives of supreme legislative authorities from seven IPA CIS Member Nations (Azerbaijan Republic, Republic of Armenia, Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrghyz Republic, Russian Federation, and Republic of Tajikistan) and IPA CIS Council Secretariat staff members participated in the monitoring. Deputy Chairperson of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bektas Beknazarov was appointed as Team Coordinator.

On the E-Day, the IPA CIS International Observers Team, in accordance with individual routes, monitored polling stations in Chisinau, townships in a number of regions of the Republic of Moldova, as well as foreign polling stations in Baku, Minsk, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The findings of the IPA CIS International Observer Mission are available on the IPA CIS website.