IPA CIS Observation Team presents its work program at Azerbaijan elections

08 October 2013

IPA CIS Observation Team presents its work program at Azerbaijan elections

The Program includes:

7 October

Meetings with campaign officials of the candidates to Azerbaijani Presidency:

- Ilyas Ismailov (the Adalet party)

- Khafiz Gadzhiyev (the Modern Musavat party)

- Araz Alizade (the Social-Democratic Party of Azerbaijan)

8 October

Meeting with Azerbaijan CEC Chairman Mazakhir Panakhov (review of CEC activities)

Meeting with leader of Milli Mejlis

Meetings with campaign officials of the candidates to Azerbaijani Presidency:

- Igbak Agazade (the Umid party)

- Siyavush Novruzov (the Eni Azerbaijan party)

9 October

Visits to openings of polling stations

Visits to polling stations in Baku, Sumgait and Apsheron district (according to individual programs)

10 October

Press-conference, presentation of the Conclusions