IPA CIS Observers Team held a meeting with Eduard Sharmazanov

01 April 2017

IPA CIS Observers Team held a meeting with Eduard Sharmazanov

The IPA CIS international observers,led by the team coordinator, Deputy Chair of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Boleslav Pirshtuk, met with Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Eduard Sharmazanov in the course of the short-term monitoring of the elections to the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia.

The parties discussed changes in the electoral legislation of the Republic of Armenia related to building a stable parliamentary majority, development of political parties, protection of the rights of national minorities, as well as a number of technical innovations first applied in the current election campaign.

According to the team coordinator Boleslav Pirshtuk, it is very important that both the voting process and the counting of votes became transparent in Armenia. “The implementation of certain protective measures, preventing voters from voting twice or voting instead of others, is monitored by means of technology is a huge step forward. I am sure that the skeptics and opposition forces will have absolutely no reason to rig the results of the election.”

IPA CIS SG Alexey Sergeev noted: “We realized how much work was done in the previous months in the Republic and in the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, so that a “document of public consent” would appear. We were told about the compromises made by all party members in order to reach such an agreement. We hope that the pre-election campaign which is considered as transparent and accessible to all political forces will complete tomorrow with a fair expression of people's will. Most importantly, neither the political forces nor the voters will doubt that the election results are correct.”