Parliamentary Elections in the Republic of Armenia

02 April 2017

Parliamentary Elections in the Republic of Armenia

The IPA CIS International Observer Team led by Coordinator, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Boleslav Pirshtuk monitored the elections to the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus at polling stations in Yerevan anjd in the settlements of five marzes: Aragatsotn, Ararat, Armavir, Gegharkunik and Kotayk.

Five political parties and four blocs are participating in the elections to the National Assembly, including the “Yelk” bloc, the “Congress-ANC” bloc, the “Ohanyan – Raffi – Oskanyan” bloc, the “Tsarukyan” block, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation “Dashnaktsutyun”, the Communist Party of Armenia, the “Armenian Revival” Party, the “Free Democrats” Party and the Republican Party.

Answering the questions of journalists, the IPA CIS International Observer Team Coordinator Boleslav Pirshtuk noted: “We were worried about possible technical hitches, but now we see there is already a fairly large number of voters smoothly going through all the necessary procedures. I think this is very positive. The procedure itself, including stamps and bulletins, does not create any technical obstacles for voters. The most important thing is that the elections are transparent”.

Member of the IPA CIS International Observers Team, Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council Alexey Sergeev noted: “During the day we will attend more than 100 voting stations in Yerevan and other regions of the Republic”.

On the E-Day, the IPA CIS International Observer Team Coordinator, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Boleslav Pirshtuk and Member of the IPA CIS International Observer Team, Deputy Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council — Plenipotentiary Representative of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Viktor Kogut held a meeting with the head of the delegation of OSCE PA observers Geir Jorgen Bekkevold and OSCE Special Coordinator Ignacio Sanchez Amor.