IPA CIS Discussed Strategy of Interaction of Commonwealth Translators

24 May 2024

IPA CIS Discussed Strategy of Interaction of Commonwealth Translators

On 24 May, a meeting of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Culture, Information, Tourism and Sport was held at the Tavricheskiy Palace – the IPA CIS headquarters.

The event was attended by MPs and experts from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Chair of the Commission, Chair of the Committee of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Science, Education, Culture and Sport Erkin Zahidov chaired the meeting.

At his suggestion, Deputy Chair of the Standing Commission of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus on International Affairs Oleg Dyachenko and Deputy Chair of the Committee of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on Budget, Economic and Fiscal Policy Taalaibek Masabirov were elected Deputy Chairs.

The members of the Commission heard information about the Draft Model Law on Electronic Communications in the Environment of Digital Media Resources.

The Law defines the directions of regulation of relations connected with the search, receipt, transmission, production and dissemination of mass information (messages and materials intended for an unlimited number of persons) by means of digital information technologies.

The main model for the development of the project is a digital service, similar in functionality to the Telegram service (taking into account the popularity and importance that such resources have in the CIS space).

The document will be sent to the parliaments of the IPA CIS Member Nations for expert opinions. The draft, finalized taking into account the comments, will be presented at the next meeting of the commission.

The participants of the meeting considered and adopted the Draft Revised Version of the Model Law on Benevolence and Sponsorship. The document is updated due to the expansion of benevolence and sponsorship, the emergence of new forms of participation of citizens and organizations in sponsorship, increasing the role of public organizations.

The Draft Revised Version of the Model Law on the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to their Health and Well-Being provoked a lively discussion.

The issue of mandatory registration on Internet resources for adult users who leave negative or provocative comments under the guise of children was also raised at the meeting. The rapporteur said that the developers would find a balanced and compromise solution to this problem, but taking into account international provisions on freedom of speech.

Work continues on the Draft Model Law on Ensuring State Protection of Cultural Heritage on Water Bodies. According to experts, such objects need protection from illegal acquisition and destruction, especially those located on transboundary territories.

The members of the Commission approved the Draft Revised Model Intellectual Property Code for the CIS Member Nations.

The document combines traditional approaches to the issues of regulation of rights to the results of intellectual activity and new proposals that affect such areas of regulation as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, atypical objects of intellectual rights (for example, rationalization proposals), taking into account the obligations assumed by the CIS countries when joining international treaties in the field of intellectual property.

The members of the commission considered candidates for the IPA CIS Award named after Chingiz Aitmatov. It is awarded annually for achievements in the field of literature, outstanding original works and multifaceted literary activity.

The meeting also considered candidates for awarding the IPA CIS badges of honor “For Merits in the Development of Culture and Art”, “For Merits in the Development of Press and Information”, “For Merits in the Development of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism”, the medal of IPA CIS and the Mir Interstate TV and Radio Company “Tree of Friendship”.

The MPs heard the information about the results of the international conference “Russian language as a Basis for Integration Dialogue in the CIS”.

The members of the commission unanimously supported the initiative to create a public international organization of translators of the CIS countries.