A meeting of the Joint Commission at the IPA CIS for the Harmonization of National Laws Related to Security, Countering Emerging Threats and Challenges took place in the Tavricheskiy Palace

19 April 2019

A meeting of the Joint Commission at the IPA CIS for the Harmonization of National Laws Related to Security, Countering Emerging Threats and Challenges took place in the Tavricheskiy Palace

The meeting was attended by members of the IPA CIS PC on Defense and Security Issues and representatives of the CIS sectoral cooperation bodies, competent authorities of the Commonwealth, educational and scientific institutions, and international organizations.

The meeting discussed draft ML on National Security, Recommendations on integration of international humanitarian law in the governing documents of the armed forces, the system of military vocational education and training of CIS forces. In addition, the members of the commission discussed the proposal of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service of the Russian Federation on amending to the CIS Model Criminal Code regarding the liability for financing terrorism.

The meeting discussed Recommended Typologies of New Cyber Crime Types as part of the implementation the CIS Cooperation Program on Combating Cyber Crimes in 2016-2020, as well as draft Recommendations on Organizing Law Enforcement Monitoring and Forecasting the Effects of Adopting Legislation in the field of National Security in the CIS countries.