CIS experts discussed the issues of attorneyship and forensic activity

04 April 2018

CIS experts discussed the issues of attorneyship and forensic activity

The headquarters of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nations became the venue of the meeting of the Board of Experts at the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Legal Issues.

Head of the Legal Department of the General Confederation of Trade Unions Nadezhda Zanko was awarded a memorial sign issued for the 25th anniversary of the IPA CIS; Professor of Civil Law Department of the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University Anton Rudokvas was awarded a medal issued for the 25th anniversary of the IPA CIS.

The members of the Board of Experts agreed on some organizational matters and discussed the draft model laws on Legal Practice and Attorneyship and on Forensic Activity.

Chair of the Board of Experts at the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Legal Issues Yury Kozlov informed the participants on the follow-up of the implementation of the decision of the Board of Experts of 20 September 2017.