CIS parliamentarians discussed the issues of culture, tourism and sport

02 March 2018

CIS parliamentarians discussed the issues of culture, tourism and sport

Member of the Committee of the Milli Mejlis of the Azerbaijan Republic on Labor and Social Policy, Member of the Committee of the Milli Mejlis Azerbaijan Republic on Culture Elmira Akhundova was elected Deputy Chair of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Culture, Information, Tourism and Sport.

The members of the Commission discussed the following draft model laws:

·         On Personal Data (revised version),

·         On Child and Youth Tourism (revised version),

·         On Electronic Notarial Services in Cross-Border Information Exchange,

·         On Social Tourism,

·         On Countering the Use of Doping in Sport,

·         On Sports at School,

·         Recommendations on the Use of the Toolkit and the Results of Regional Monitoring of Infocom Development of the CIS Member States

·         Recommendations on Compliance with the Regulations for Business Practice in the Field of CIS Tourism,

·         Recommendations on Setting Preferential Tax-Free Retail Regimes of for Foreign Tourists and Visitors.

The Commission adopted in general and recommended to include in the agenda of the plenary session of the IPA CIS the Draft Model Cultural Code for Member Nations of the CIS and the Draft Convention on the Preservation of the CIS Cultural Heritage.

The members of the Commission also reviewed the results of the work of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Culture, Information, Tourism and Sport in 2017 and the implementation of model legislative acts adopted by the IPA CIS on the initiative of the Commission.