Draft Model Law on Countering the Use of Doping in Sport Adopted by IPA CIS Permanent Commission

05 March 2020

Draft Model Law on Countering the Use of Doping in Sport Adopted by IPA CIS Permanent Commission

On 5 March, the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Culture, Information, Tourism and Sport adopted the draft Model Law on Countering the Use of Doping in Sport. The Commission will submit it to the IPA CIS Council for the subsequent consideration at the IPA CIS plenary session.

A number of the CIS countries have adopted the legislation aimed at countering the use of doping in sport. These acts regulate the issues of doping control, detecting violations, provision of medical services to sportsmen etc. However, many challenges remain, including the inadequate implementation of liability mechanism for unlawful behavior in the field of compliance with anti-doping rules, failure to respect the principle of non-exemption from punishment, lack of reputational risks and recourse mechanism to the income of offenders, insufficient level of cooperation with the international organizations developing policies in the field of countering doping in sport etc.

Draft Model Law on Countering the Use of Doping in Sport is aimed at addressing the gaps in the legislation and enhancing the efficiency of countering the use of doping in sport.

There was a discussion as to whether the coaches, who violated the anti-doping rules, should be barred from working the field of sports or allowed to have the right to provide guidance or methodical work. The MPs agreed that specialists involving sportsmen into the use of doping, damage health and worldview of young people and the reputation of the country, therefore they should be barred from working in the field of sports and teaching in general.

The members of the Permanent Commission also adopted the Model Law on Sports at School. The developers have taken into account the comments and proposals by experts and MPs of the CIS. They focused on implementation of adaptive physical training in school. The Model Law provides that the participation in sport events on the school level organized by the public authorities and local government is free of charge.