Meeting on development of statistics on status of youth in the CIS nations took place in Moscow

07 December 2018

Meeting on development of statistics on status of youth in the CIS nations took place in Moscow

Meeting of experts of the national statistics services of the CIS member nations on the issues of development of the data on the status of youth took place in Moscow on 5–6 December. The event was organized by the CIS Board of Statistics.

The CIS Interparliamentary Assembly was represented by the YIPA CIS Executive Secretary Margarita Safarova. Stressing the importance of long-standing cooperation of the IPA CIS and the CIS Board of Statistics, she noted: “The performed research and statistical data obtained by the Board of Statistics are valuable for the analytical efforts of the IPA CIS and significantly influence the development of model laws”.

The meeting was also attended by representatives of the YIPA CIS, UNFPA, UNECE and expert community.

The meeting discussed the issues of monitoring of the status of youth in the CIS in light of the Commonwealth practices in place and international recommendations on the development of relevant statistics, with due consideration of the requirements of the monitoring of progress in SDGs until 2030, as well as areas of further improvement of social-demographic statistics in the CIS with due account of information needs of the society.