Model law-making in the field of culture discussed in the Tavricheskiy Palace

09 October 2018

Model law-making in the field of culture discussed in the Tavricheskiy Palace

The regular meeting of the IPA CIS PC on Culture, Information, Tourism and Sport chaired by Deputy Chairman of the Committee, member of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on European Integration Louise Sargsyan took place in the IPA CIS HQ.

The meeting considered 21 issues, including the draft ML Digital Notarial Procedures in the Course of Cross-Border Information Exchange, revised ML on Personal Data, Recommendations on the Use of the Toolkit and the Results of Regional Monitoring of Infocom Development in the CIS.

The Commission reviewed the development of the draft MLs on Promoting Digital Society, Countering the Use of Doping in Sport, Sports at School, Social Tourism, the revised ML Child and Youth Tourism, the draft Recommendations on Compliance with the Regulations for Business Practice in the Field of Tourism in the CIS and the Recommendations on Setting Preferential Tax-Free Trade Regimes for Foreign Tourists and Visitors.

The information on implementation of the model laws adopted by the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly in the legislative activity of the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan was considered.

The Commonwealth declared 2019 the Year of Book, and in this regard participants discussed proposals on hosting IPA CIS events, and the draft Convention on the Preservation of the CIS Cultural Heritage.

The meeting also considered proposals on amending the CIS Long-Term Plan of Model Law-Making for 2016–2020.