MPs and experts from the Commonwealth discussed environmental issues

24 November 2016

MPs and experts from the Commonwealth discussed environmental issues

The IPA CIS PC on Agrarian Policy, Natural Resources and Ecology held its meeting in the Tavrichesky Palace.

The model documents on the agenda were:

·        Model law Environmental Education and Ecological Awareness of Citizens;

·        Revised model law Responsible Treatment of Animals;

·        Revised CIS Model Forestry Code;

·        Recommendations on Satellite Monitoring of Farmlands in the CIS through an Integrated System;

·        Draft model law on Identification of Animals and Animal Derived Materials.

The members of the Commission also discussed preparations to the VIII Nevsky International Ecological Congress to be held in St. Petersburg in spring 2017.

Chair of the Standing Commission of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova on Public Governance, Regional Development, the Environment and Climate Change Violeta Ivanov was re-elected as Chair of the Commission.