The Northern capital of Russia welcomes St. Petersburg International Youth Forum

02 December 2016

The Northern capital of Russia welcomes St. Petersburg International Youth Forum

On 2-3 December 2016, St. Petersburg International Youth Forum (SPIYF 4.0), which has already become a tradition, took place in the Northern capital of Russia. The motto of the forum this year is “Towards the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students”.

Margarita Safarova, Secretary-in-charge of the CIS Young Interparliamentary Assembly , will attend the event on behalf of the IPA CIS and make a presentation on the YIPA CIS activities at the section of the forum on “Interethnic dialogue and intercultural interaction”.

Marina Grigoryeva, member of the Russian Federation young parliamentarians delegation to the YIPA CIS, member of the Chamber of |Young Legislators at the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation will participate in the “International law and the youth” section with the report on mechanisms to implement youth legislative initiatives.

In 2017, the Russian Federation will host the World Festival of Youth and Students. Therefore, the Forum is expected to focus on the preparation of the festival.

The discussion of the relevant issues for today's youth will take place on 13 platforms:

-          Politics;

-          Sport;

-          Creative work;

-          Patriotism;

-          Voluntary work;

-          Forums and grants;

-          Entrepreneurship, career and science:

-          International relations;

-          International law;

-          Economics;

-          Media;

-          Student clubs;

-          Preparation and hosting of the WFYS.